Monday, June 6, 2011

Nana's Cookies

Its impossible not to be skeptical when you hear of a cookie that's made with no refined sugar, no eggs, no dairy, and gluten free.  In your mind your thinking "sounds like a cardboard tasting disaster", and what else would you expect when other cookies you've tried, that are missing the same ingredients, have all tasted the same... horrible.  Well, I can assure you that these cookies are anything but horrible or cardboard-tasting! When I'm craving something sweet, Nana's cookies come to mind. Now, I'm not allergic to gluten, but I try to stay away from processed sugar as much as possible, and I know that Nana never uses refined sugar and I'm not compromising taste for a healthier alternative.

Nana has formulated a few different flavors, and there is bound to be something for everyone.  Gluten free flavors include, chocolate, chocolate crunch, lemon, and ginger, and there are even more flavors in the original and no wheat variations. If you're looking for a treat for your kids, you can definitely spoil them with Nana's.  I guarantee you'll get addicted!

For more information on Nana's check out the website:

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