Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Time To Clean Up Your Act

I'm about to go on a little rant.  If you are a regular reader you will know that the name of my blog has a double meaning.  First, I like to give advice without the typical sugar coating.  I appreciate and respect when a person tells me the truth rather than skating around it, so I want to provide the same courtesy to you.  Second, my name implies that I eliminate sugar in my diet.

I have to say that last year (December that is) I had my aha! moment.  Something inside of me clicked and I decided that I was going to kick the sugar habit for good.  I knew without a doubt that I was addicted to sugar, and would even openly admit it, but what was holding me back from quitting cold turkey?  I could say that lack of planning for my new lifestyle and being scared of failure were two good reasons for not following through.  BUT, the main reason was that I LIKED eating sugar, I mean who doesn't?  I liked having dessert and eating wedding cake at work (I work at a catering facility, so if I can divorce sugar, anyone can). I made my realization even before New Year's, although New Years Day I didn't follow my new lifestyle, because I hate New Year's Resolutions (see the previous post).

I have been eating clean for about 2 weeks now, and I have no second thoughts.  Now, it's not "easy" but if you take the time to plan you will avoid failure.  If you are thinking about starting an eat clean diet, you can get a lot of information from Tosca Reno's website:  and I would recommend buying her book "Just the Rules".  It's a short read and you can get it straight to your computer, smartphone, or Kindle with the Kindle app for under $6.  Here are a few other websites that I think will help:

I love this website, I visit it at least once daily.  It has great recipes!

Simply put, when you eat clean you eat food that is as close to its origin as possible (aka you want to avoid processed food), and you eliminate white flour and sugar completely.  That usually even means whole wheat bread (gasp!), but there are alternatives such as Ezekiel sprouted grain bread.  All of this you can find in Tosca Reno's book.

I promise that if you are truly trying to lose weight and make yourself healthier, this is the diet for you.  It will work, you will feel better, and you will notice the change in your body.  When you eliminate sugar, your body may go through a withdrawal, mine did and I have headaches for 2 days.  DON'T GIVE UP and DONT GIVE IN TO THE CRAVINGS, you will get over it.  Check this out: . If you need to start out slow, DO IT, use clementines to curb sugar cravings, I also used dark chocolate with a high cocoa content because I felt like I was slowly easing my body off of the lethal stuff.  I personally was using Newman's Own Organics Signature Series Super Dark Chocolate  click the link for coupons on their website .

So this is it, it is time for you to make a decision for yourself.  Are you ready to file those divorce papers, think about what is holding you back.  Make a plan, write down your goals, and find a support system.  I'm always here to help!  It's not to late to change your life!

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  1. I love sugar!!! Have cut way back recently when I discovered I gained a few extra lbs over the holidays, of which I directly place the blame on the named culprit. Interesting post.

  2. Thanks, well stick around, hopefully I have posted some sugar free recipes that are interesting to you. Let me know if there is are any recipes you would like to see on here. Thanks for visiting!
